Package net.sourceforge.lept4j
Class L_Recog
- Direct Known Subclasses:
public class L_Recog
extends com.sun.jna.Structure
native declaration : recog.h:126
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java or JNA.
This is a simple utility for training and recognizing individual
machine-printed text characters. It is designed to be adapted
to a particular set of character images; e.g., from a book.
There are two methods of training the recognizer. In the most
simple, a set of bitmaps has been labeled by some means, such
a generic OCR program. This is input either one template at a time
or as a pixa of templates, to a function that creates a recog.
If in a pixa, the text string label must be embedded in the
text field of each pix.
If labeled data is not available, we start with a bootstrap
recognizer (BSR) that has labeled data from a variety of sources.
These images are scaled, typically to a fixed height, and then
fed similarly scaled unlabeled images from the source (e.g., book),
and the BSR attempts to identify them. All images that have
a high enough correlation score with one of the templates in the
BSR are emitted in a pixa, which now holds unscaled and labeled
templates from the source. This is the generator for a book adapted
recognizer (BAR).
The pixa should always be thought of as the primary structure.
It is the generator for the recog, because a recog is built
from a pixa of unscaled images.
New image templates can be added to a recog as long as it is
in training mode. Once training is finished, to add templates
it is necessary to extract the generating pixa, add templates
to that pixa, and make a new recog. Similarly, we do not
join two recog; instead, we simply join their generating pixa,
and make a recog from that.
To remove outliers from a pixa of labeled pix, make a recog,
determine the outliers, and generate a new pixa with the
outliers removed. The outliers are determined by building
special templates for each character set that are scaled averages
of the individual templates. Then a correlation score is found
between each template and the averaged templates. There are
two implementations; outliers are determined as either:
(1) a template having a correlation score with its class average
that is below a threshold, or
(2) a template having a correlation score with its class average
that is smaller than the correlation score with the average
of another class.
Outliers are removed from the generating pixa. Scaled averaging
is only performed for determining outliers and for splitting
characters; it is never used in a trained recognizer for identifying
unlabeled samples.
Two methods using averaged templates are provided for splitting
touching characters:
(1) greedy matching
(2) document image decoding (DID)
The DID method is the default. It is about 5x faster and
possibly more accurate.
Once a BAR has been made, unlabeled sample images are identified
by finding the individual template in the BAR with highest
correlation. The input images and images in the BAR can be
represented in two ways:
(1) as scanned, binarized to 1 bpp
(2) as a width-normalized outline formed by thinning to a
skeleton and then dilating by a fixed amount.
The recog can be serialized to file and read back. The serialized
version holds the templates used for correlation (which may have
been modified by scaling and turning into lines from the unscaled
templates), plus, for arbitrary character sets, the UTF8
representation and the lookup table mapping from the character
representation to index.
Why do we not use averaged templates for recognition?
Letterforms can take on significantly different shapes (eg.,
the letters 'a' and 'g'), and it makes no sense to average these.
The previous version of this utility allowed multiple recognizers
to exist, but this is an unnecessary complication if recognition
is done on all samples instead of on averages.
native declaration : recog.h:126
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java or JNA.
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesNested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.sun.jna.Structure
com.sun.jna.Structure.FieldOrder, com.sun.jna.Structure.StructField
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionint
set to 1 when averaged bitmaps are made
C type : l_int32bmf fonts
C type : L_Bmf*int
font size of bmf; default is 6 pt
C type : l_int32com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference
table for finding centroids
C type : l_int32*int
expected number of classes in charset
C type : l_int32int
one of L_ARABIC_NUMERALS, etc.
C type : l_int32temp data used for image decoding
C type : L_Rdid*index-to-char lut for arbitrary charset
C type : L_Dna*int
use a value > 0 to convert the bitmap
C type : l_int32float
max of max/min template height ratio
C type : l_float32int
max component height kept in splitting
C type : l_int32float
max width/height ratio to split
C type : l_float32int
initialize container arrays to this
C type : l_int32int
max height averaged unscaled templates
C type : l_int32int
max width averaged scaled templates
C type : l_int32int
max width averaged unscaled templates
C type : l_int32int
vertical jiggle on nominal centroid
C type : l_int32int
min number of samples without padding
C type : l_int32int
min component width kept in splitting
C type : l_int32int
min height averaged unscaled templates
C type : l_int32int
min width averaged scaled templates
C type : l_int32int
min width averaged unscaled templates
C type : l_int32area of all (scaled) templates
C type : Numaa*area of all unscaled templates
C type : Numaa*area of (scaled) averaged templates
C type : Numa*area of unscaled averaged templates
C type : Numa*int
number of training samples
C type : l_int32averaged (scaled) templates per class
C type : Pixa*input images for identifying
C type : Pixa*all input training images
C type : Pixa*averaged unscaled templates per class
C type : Pixa*all (scaled) templates for each class
C type : Pixaa*all unscaled templates for each class
C type : Pixaa*unscaled and scaled averaged bitmaps
C type : Pixa*debug: bootstrap training results
C type : Pixa*debug: splitting results
C type : Pixa*debug: best match of input against ave.
C type : Pix*debug: best matches within range
C type : Pix*centroids of (scaled) ave.centroids of unscaled ave.centroids of all (scaledl) templates
C type : Ptaa*centroids of all unscaled templates
C type : Ptaa*temp data used for holding best char
C type : L_Rch*temp data used for array of best chars
C type : L_Rcha*text array for arbitrary charset
C type : Sarray*int
scale all examples to this height;
C type : l_int32int
scale all examples to this width;
C type : l_int32int
size of character set
C type : l_int32com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference
table for finding pixel sums
C type : l_int32*int
template use: use either the average
C type : l_int32int
for binarizing if depth > 1
C type : l_int32int
set to 1 when training is complete or
C type : l_int32Fields inherited from class com.sun.jna.Structure
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGets this Structure's field names in their proper order.Methods inherited from class com.sun.jna.Structure
allocateMemory, allocateMemory, autoAllocate, autoRead, autoRead, autoWrite, autoWrite, cacheTypeInfo, calculateSize, clear, createFieldsOrder, createFieldsOrder, createFieldsOrder, createFieldsOrder, dataEquals, dataEquals, ensureAllocated, equals, fieldOffset, getAutoRead, getAutoWrite, getFieldList, getFields, getNativeAlignment, getNativeSize, getNativeSize, getPointer, getStringEncoding, getStructAlignment, hashCode, newInstance, newInstance, read, readField, readField, setAlignType, setAutoRead, setAutoSynch, setAutoWrite, setStringEncoding, size, sortFields, toArray, toArray, toString, toString, useMemory, useMemory, write, writeField, writeField, writeField
Field Details
public int scalewscale all examples to this width;
C type : l_int32 -
public int scalehscale all examples to this height;
C type : l_int32 -
public int linewuse a value > 0 to convert the bitmap
C type : l_int32 -
public int templ_usetemplate use: use either the average
C type : l_int32 -
public int maxarraysizeinitialize container arrays to this
C type : l_int32 -
public int setsizesize of character set
C type : l_int32 -
public int thresholdfor binarizing if depth > 1
C type : l_int32 -
public int maxyshiftvertical jiggle on nominal centroid
C type : l_int32 -
public int charset_typeone of L_ARABIC_NUMERALS, etc.
C type : l_int32 -
public int charset_sizeexpected number of classes in charset
C type : l_int32 -
public int min_nopadmin number of samples without padding
C type : l_int32 -
public int num_samplesnumber of training samples
C type : l_int32 -
public int minwidth_umin width averaged unscaled templates
C type : l_int32 -
public int maxwidth_umax width averaged unscaled templates
C type : l_int32 -
public int minheight_umin height averaged unscaled templates
C type : l_int32 -
public int maxheight_umax height averaged unscaled templates
C type : l_int32 -
public int minwidthmin width averaged scaled templates
C type : l_int32 -
public int maxwidthmax width averaged scaled templates
C type : l_int32 -
public int ave_doneset to 1 when averaged bitmaps are made
C type : l_int32 -
public int train_doneset to 1 when training is complete or
C type : l_int32 -
public float max_wh_ratiomax width/height ratio to split
C type : l_float32 -
public float max_ht_ratiomax of max/min template height ratio
C type : l_float32 -
public int min_splitwmin component width kept in splitting
C type : l_int32 -
public int max_splithmax component height kept in splitting
C type : l_int32 -
text array for arbitrary charset
C type : Sarray* -
index-to-char lut for arbitrary charset
C type : L_Dna* -
public com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference centtabtable for finding centroids
C type : l_int32* -
public com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference sumtabtable for finding pixel sums
C type : l_int32* -
all unscaled templates for each class
C type : Pixaa* -
centroids of all unscaled templates
C type : Ptaa* -
area of all unscaled templates
C type : Numaa* -
all (scaled) templates for each class
C type : Pixaa* -
centroids of all (scaledl) templates
C type : Ptaa* -
area of all (scaled) templates
C type : Numaa* -
averaged unscaled templates per class
C type : Pixa* -
centroids of unscaled ave. templates
C type : Pta* -
area of unscaled averaged templates
C type : Numa* -
averaged (scaled) templates per class
C type : Pixa* -
centroids of (scaled) ave. templates
C type : Pta* -
area of (scaled) averaged templates
C type : Numa* -
all input training images
C type : Pixa* -
unscaled and scaled averaged bitmaps
C type : Pixa* -
input images for identifying
C type : Pixa* -
debug: best match of input against ave.
C type : Pix* -
debug: best matches within range
C type : Pix* -
debug: bootstrap training results
C type : Pixa* -
debug: splitting results
C type : Pixa* -
bmf fonts
C type : L_Bmf* -
public int bmf_sizefont size of bmf; default is 6 pt
C type : l_int32 -
temp data used for image decoding
C type : L_Rdid* -
temp data used for holding best char
C type : L_Rch* -
temp data used for array of best chars
C type : L_Rcha*
Constructor Details
public L_Recog() -
public L_Recog(com.sun.jna.Pointer peer)
Method Details
Gets this Structure's field names in their proper order.- Overrides:
in classcom.sun.jna.Structure
- Returns:
- list of ordered field names