Uses of Class
Packages that use Sarray.ByReference
Uses of Sarray.ByReference in net.sourceforge.lept4j
Fields in net.sourceforge.lept4j declared as Sarray.ByReferenceModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionGPlot.cmddata
command file contents
C type : Sarray*
store base64 encoded data as strings
C type : SARRAY*GPlot.datanames
data file names
C type : Sarray*L_StrCode.descr
store line in description table
C type : SARRAY*L_StrCode.function
store case code for extraction
C type : SARRAY*GPlot.plotdata
plot data (1 string/file)
C type : Sarray*GPlot.plotlabels
label for each individual plot
C type : Sarray*L_Recog.sa_text
text array for arbitrary charset
C type : Sarray*L_Pdf_Data.sacmap
colormap pdf object strings
C type : Sarray*JbClasser.safiles
input page image file names
C type : Sarray*L_Pdf_Data.saprex
pre-binary-stream xobject strings
C type : Sarray*L_Rcha.satext
character strings of best templates
C type : Sarray*Constructors in net.sourceforge.lept4j with parameters of type Sarray.ByReferenceModifierConstructorDescriptionL_Rcha(Numa.ByReference naindex, Numa.ByReference nascore, Sarray.ByReference satext, Numa.ByReference nasample, Numa.ByReference naxloc, Numa.ByReference nayloc, Numa.ByReference nawidth)
L_StrCode(int fileno, int ifunc, Sarray.ByReference function, Sarray.ByReference data, Sarray.ByReference descr, int n)