Uses of Class
Packages that use Boxa.ByReference
Uses of Boxa.ByReference in net.sourceforge.lept4j
Fields in net.sourceforge.lept4j declared as Boxa.ByReferenceModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionCCBord.boxa
regions of each closed curve
C type : Boxa*L_Rdid.boxa
Viterbi result for splitting input pixs
C type : Boxa*Pixa.boxa
array of boxes
C type : Boxa*Pixaa.boxa
array of boxes
C type : Boxa*PixaComp.boxa
array of boxes
C type : Boxa*L_Colorfill.boxas
tile locations
C type : Boxa*Constructors in net.sourceforge.lept4j with parameters of type Boxa.ByReferenceModifierConstructorDescriptionCCBord(Pix.ByReference pix, Boxa.ByReference boxa, Pta.ByReference start, int refcount, Ptaa.ByReference local, Ptaa.ByReference global, Numaa.ByReference step, Pta.ByReference splocal, Pta.ByReference spglobal)
Pixa(int n, int nalloc, int refcount, com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference pix, Boxa.ByReference boxa)
Pixaa(int n, int nalloc, com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference pixa, Boxa.ByReference boxa)
PixaComp(int n, int nalloc, int offset, PixComp.ByReference[] pixc, Boxa.ByReference boxa)