Interface ITessAPI.TessOcrEngineMode

Enclosing interface:

public static interface ITessAPI.TessOcrEngineMode
When Tesseract/Cube is initialized we can choose to instantiate/load/run only the Tesseract part, only the Cube part or both along with the combiner. The preference of which engine to use is stored in tessedit_ocr_engine_mode.

ATTENTION: When modifying this enum, please make sure to make the appropriate changes to all the enums mirroring it (e.g. OCREngine in cityblock/workflow/detection/detection_storage.proto). Such enums will mention the connection to OcrEngineMode in the comments.
  • Field Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    Specify this mode when calling init_*(), to indicate that any of the above modes should be automatically inferred from the variables in the language-specific config, command-line configs, or if not specified in any of the above should be set to the default OEM_TESSERACT_ONLY.
    static final int
    Run just the LSTM line recognizer
    static final int
    Run the LSTM recognizer, but allow fallback to Tesseract when things get difficult
    static final int
    Run Tesseract only - fastest
  • Field Details Link icon

    • OEM_TESSERACT_ONLY Link icon

      static final int OEM_TESSERACT_ONLY
      Run Tesseract only - fastest
      See Also:
    • OEM_LSTM_ONLY Link icon

      static final int OEM_LSTM_ONLY
      Run just the LSTM line recognizer
      See Also:

      static final int OEM_TESSERACT_LSTM_COMBINED
      Run the LSTM recognizer, but allow fallback to Tesseract when things get difficult
      See Also:
    • OEM_DEFAULT Link icon

      static final int OEM_DEFAULT
      Specify this mode when calling init_*(), to indicate that any of the above modes should be automatically inferred from the variables in the language-specific config, command-line configs, or if not specified in any of the above should be set to the default OEM_TESSERACT_ONLY.
      See Also: